Terms of use

This website contains information and comments concerning legal questions and developments related to intellectual property rights. These contents do not claim being complete and especially are not meant to provide a professional legal consultation. Laws and regulations in the field of intellectual property protection are diversified and extensive. Thus a thorough legal advice and consultation is strongly recommended before any action on your side is taken because of information within this website. I also do not take over liability for the content of websites linked to this website.

Transmission and receipt of information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between the sender and the recipient.

Below you find the compulsory information according to § 5 TMG (German law on telemedia). In case of questions please mail at: mail@schimeks.eu

Responsible in the sense of TMG:
(German) Patent Attorney Mr Wolfgang S. Schimek

Office: Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 6, D-86159 Augsburg

As a German Patent Attorney Mr Wolfgang S. Schimek is registered at the German Patent- and Trademark Office and member of the Patentanwaltskammer (http://www.patentanwalt.de). The contact adress of the Patentanwaltskammer is: Patentanwaltskammer, Tal 29, 80331 Munich, Phone: ++49-(0)89-242278-0

As a professional representative registered at the European Patent Office he is further a member of EPI (European Patent Institute) a corporation under international public law. Postal Address: Bayerstraße 83, 80335 Munich, Germany, Tel: +49(0)89-242052-0

URL: www.patentepi.com

As a German Patent Attorney Mr Wolfgang S. Schimek is obliged by the German professional rules expressed in the Patentanwaltsordnung, § 45, to have a professional liability, whereby the minimum amount insured must be Euro 250.000,--. The adress of the insurance company is:

R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, John-F.Kennedy-Straße 1, 65189 Wiesbaden.

Insured is the legal liability of the German patent attorney resulting from professional activity as well as the activity in front of the Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (OHIM).

Patent Attorneys and registered representatives before the European Patent Office are subjected to the following professional laws:

Patentanwaltsordnung (PAO),

Berufsordnung für Patentanwälte (BOPA) (Professional Rules for Patent Attorneys),

Standesregeln der FICPI (Code of Conduct of FICPI),

Code of Professional Conduct of EPI

The office`s German turnover tax identification number reads:

Officially appointed liquidator:

Dr. S. Mederle-Hoffmeister
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 6
D-86159 Augsburg
Tel.: +49-821-4552163
Fax.: +49-821-4552160
email: Kanzlei_Schimek@pa-mederle.de

Please call us:

+49 (0)821 455 216 0
You can also write us:


In cooperation with:

Patentkanzlei Carlsohn
Dipl.-Biol. (Biologie)
Marc René Carlsohn
D-07749 Jena

Dr. Mederle-Hoffmeister
European Patent Attorney
Dr. S. Mederle-Hoffmeister
D-86159 Augsburg